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高中英语语法与词汇《Structures in Use、Grammar in Use》优质课教案下载

II. The Analysis of the Students

The students of Class 363 are afraid of English, most of them don’t have enough knowledge of words, grammar and the background information. While the essay correction tests students’ basic knowledge about grammar which is a big challenge for them. Therefore, as an English teacher, I must encourage my students to speak, write, and construct their confidence in learning English.

III. Learning Methods

Self - Learning and Group- Working

IV. Teaching Aids

PPT, Video, Pictures and Blackboard

V. Learning Aims

Through group-working, correct five mistakes in the specific passage.

Master the strategies of the essay correction.

Identify different types of the knowledge points.

VI. Teaching Procedures

Lead-in (1 min)

Present one question “ Do you have the same feeling when you face English ” in the power point.

The Analysis of the Learning Aims (2 min)

Point out and analysize three words (correct, master and identify) .

Thinking (2 min)

Present one question “ What should we have before doing the essay correction ? ”

Let students discuss and then ask two students to answer this question. (We should have words and phrases, the speed of reading, grammar and life experience.)

Discussion (20min)

Essay correction - The Story of the Game Designer

Step1: Knowledge Points


developer 开发者

designer 设计者

dialogues 对话
