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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版八年级上册Section A 3a-3c下载详情
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Making notes.

Language points

A TV program called Monkey, for the first time, turn…into…, come out, unless, as soon as, so…that, become interested in, give up.

Teaching steps

Step 1 Greeting

Step 2 Leading-in

Let’s enjoy a piece of music. Guess the name of the TV show.

Step 3 Warming-up

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

---- Who are the ?

---- Who do you like best ?

Step 4 New words

Object, stick, excite, western, tail. (boys, girls, Row 1,Team 3)

Step 5 Reading

------ Work on 3a . Read and answer the questions.

Which book is talked about ?

Who is the main character ?

What is he like ?

------- Work on 3b. Read the passage again and complete the chart about the Monkey King.

What he can do What he cannot do

Step 6 Careful reading Read the passage and judge the sentences below True or False. Then check the answers .

----- Work on 3c. Complete the sentences below with phrases from the passage . Check the answers and read together.

Step 7 Retell the story by using the key points.

-------- for the first time ,the main character…

-------- make 72 changes, turn…into…, hide his tail, unless…, use a magic stick…

-------- has excited, as soon as, come out, become interested in, keep fighting to…

Step 8 Exercises.

Fill in the blanks. And check the answers

Step 9 Group work. Have a story-telling competition.

------- What’s your favorite story ?
