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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1d下载详情
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Step2 Game That’s me ( 2′)

The teacher shows the students a card which says, “I prefer music that I can sing along with” . If the student has the same interest, he or she should stand up and say That’s me! loudly.

Step3 Make a Sentence Dragon ( 6′)

Divide the whole class into six groups, each group chooses different things to talk about ,such as music, movies, books, clothes, writers, toys and so on. Each group member says a different sentence to make a sentence dragon in group. Compete which group spends the least time. For example,

A: I prefer music that is soft.

B: He/She prefers music that is soft, but I prefer movies that are funny.

C: He/She prefers movies that are funny , but I prefer books which are moving.

D: …

Step4 Interview favorite things and report( 6′)

In this step, students discuss in groups , each group leader interviews their group members’ favorite things , and group leaders should write down their ideas. Choose the most popular thing in groups and finish the following chart. Each group leader gives a short report.

Your favorite kind of movie/music/book/…Example of this kind of movie/music/book/…Student1Student2Step 5 Predictions( 2′)

Show the picture of 1b, ask the students to look at it carefully, predict what things they may hear in 1b. And the teacher writes down key words of their ideas on the blackboard. Other students should write down the statements they agree with.

Step 6 Listening practice(1b&1c) ( 6′)

1. Students listen to the tape for the first time without looking at their books, try to get the main idea of the conversation and finish 1b.

2. Listen to the conversation for the second time, Try to grasp the key words by taking notes. Tell the students to write down the first two or three letters while taking notes, just like what the teacher does.

3. Before listening, students list some words they may hear in 1c with the help of 1b. Then listen for the third time, and make clear of what Michael. Ask the students to take notes and fill in the chart.

4. Students discuss and check the answers in groups.

Step7 practice( 15′)

Guide students to talk about the Tapescripts of Section B 1b&1c,then act it in class.

1. Listen and follow the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. Play a video for students as an example.

3. I’ll ask the students to work in groups, role-play the conversation, the roles they play can be their friends, classmates, teachers and so on, try to use some other words to replace the items and places in the conversation, and try to act it out. The best actors will be praised by classmates or the teacher.

Step8 Summary ( 1′)

Talk about some famous people who influence the world, try to lead the students to love their interests and try to achieve their dreams, and try to make their life better.

Blackboard Design

Unit9 I like music that I can dance to

Section B 1a~1d

I/ He/She that/


prefer(s) /who
