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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版八年级下册Section A 1a-2d下载详情
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2.To talk about the ways of improving English skills.

3.To do things with correct and scientific methods .Difficult pointsTo use correct and scientific methods to study better and become a good learner.Teaching preparationComputer, microphone, radio and projector.Teaching proceduresStepsDesign ideaStep 1 Lead-in

Show students some photos about myself, ask them: “ What do you think of me?” If they answer my question, I will play a game(Paper,scissor,stone) with them. If I lose,they can ask me a question and I must be honest.(Truth or Dare)

2. Ask students: “What do you think of English?” to lead in this new lesson.If you know yourself and your enemy, you’ll never lose a battle. Ask students the first question and play a game can bring us closer and make them relaxed in this class. Then ask them the second question to lead in “How to study English and how to become good learners?”Step 2 Warm-up

Words test(Give them a sentence and two pictures,choose the right picture).

Translate the phrases by themselves.This step let me check their homework and learn the new words and the new phrases.Step 3 Study with your group

Ask them how to learn English well to lead in 1a, read the phrases and find the regular.

2. Listening: The first time, listen to 1b, 2a, 2b on the book and check the answers, the second time, listen and fill the blanks.

3. Practice the sentence patterns and recite them.

4. Make your own conversations.1. To improve their self-learning ability and learn the use of “by”.

2. Listening: The first time, to practice their listening skills. The second time, to practice their listening and do some dictation practice.

3. To improve their speaking skills.Step 4 Show your skills

Show your own conversations.

Two students give advice about how they study English.(One student is good at English,the other is the person who make great progress.)

Let students try to find some ways to improve English by making their own conversations and listening to other people’s advice.

They can practice the sentence patterns more fluently. Step 5 Summary

Summary what we have learned today and review the uses of word “by”.Summary with the teacher Step 6 TestCheck their learning outcome.Step 7 HomeworkFinish the homeworkBlackboard DesignUnit 4 How can we become good learners?

How do you study English/for a test ?

I study by+V.ing……

ask sb for help

ask sb for sth

too… to…