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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c下载详情
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Step 1

Students are given several minutes to prepare for the sentences in the chart.

Ask some of them to read in pairs.

Step 2

Read the sentences again after some word are hidden.

Write down the hidden words on the blackboard, and remind students of the structure of passive voice in the present tense.

Then they can summarize passive voice in the past tense.

Finally translate some sentences into English with passive voice in the present and past tense in groups and show their results to the rest.

Step 3

(1) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

(2) Check in groups and one student is asked in each group to explain.

Step 5

Emphasize the past participle of verbs

Homework: Write down all the past participle of the verb on Page 44.

Make four sentences with passive voice in groups.

Teaching reflection

On the one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. More chances should be given to students and guide them to think more individually or in groups. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for future use. In addition, the classed should be practical and adhere to the students’ ability. In order to realize the new concept of teaching, I think I need more research on the textbook and learn more from the others.

