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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c下载详情
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2. Ability Aims:

To improve Ss’ abilities of reading and cooperative study.

3. Moral Aims:

Feeling a mother's love is selfless, Mother's love is great!The analysis of teaching key and difficult pointsKey Points:To master the new words and sentence patterns:

Difficult Points: To improve Ss’ abilities of reading and cooperative study.The analysis of teaching aidsMultimedia courseware, pictures,mind map, knowledge treeThe analysis of teaching methodsCommunicative Teaching Method, TBL, Situational ApproachThe analysis of learning methodsSs will come to aware and use “Observation- Imitation- Practice” process to study the Superlatives;

Guide Ss to learn the grammar in different situations.

The analysis of teaching proceduresTeaching ProceduresTeacher ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposeLead-in

Greetings. Play a short video about Sand Painting, then ask Ss “What’s your feeling?”Ss will watch the short video, and pay more attention to the meanings. Then tall about your feelings.To attract Ss’ attention and let them get involved in this atmosphere. Guessing

GameShow Ss four pictures and guide Ss to talke about them, try to guess who she is. Ss will observe the pictures carefully, then talk about them.To consolidate the roles of Mom.Pre-readingShow Ss picture on the book and the title, ask Ss to think about and find out the answers.

Ss will observe the picture and title, talk about their ideas freely. To cultivate Ss’ abi- lity of observationCooperative

InquiryAsk Ss to observe five circles and try to sum up the rules of regular changes.Ss will be divide into five groups and discuss groups, then go to the Bb.To develop Ss’ spirit of cooperation and creative thinkingWhile-

readingListen to the tape and get the main idea of this poem.Ss will listen to the tape carefully and try to get the main idea.To improve Ss’ reading ability. While-

readingRead the first four lines fill in the form below.

Ss will read the poem aloud.To arouse Ss’ in- terest in English learning and enlarge the relative know- ledge through reading. While-

readingRead the middle parts and write T for true or F for false.

Ss will read the middle part silently.To develop Ss’ ability of creative thinking.While-

readingRead the last six line fill in the blanks.

Ss will be divided into five groups, then have a short competition. To cultivate Ss’ abili- ties of cooperation and creative thinking.While-

readingRead the poem and answer the questions by using the mind-map.Ss will discuss the questions in groups.To train Ss’ ability of cooperative study.Post-

readingRetell the poem

Ss will retell the poem by using the clues.To train Ss’ sbility of using language.Post-

readingFill in the blanksSs will fininsh this exercise individually.To train Ss’ ability of using language.Homework1. Level A: Copy the new words twice

2. Level B: Try to retell the article

3. Level C: Write a passage about your Mom.Different Ss have differernt levels .Let each level Ss improve their abilities.Blackboard Design

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

Part 1: tiny baby crying all night, sang to me and stayed by my side, gave me a hug

Part 2: seven coughing badly , no ice-cream, talked back, scary movies

Part 3: a teen,going out with friends, by ten,seventeen

Part 4: an adult, thinking back to, cough for days, regret talking back

