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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 2a—2e下载详情
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To improve students` ability of doing with the passage filling.

Teaching Difficult Point

Learn and master how to solve the passage filling,enable students to solve it by themselves.

Teaching Methods

The task-based language teaching method and the cooperative learning method.

Teaching Aids


Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Lead-in

Show a picture of a difficulty and ask students:

T: Are you afraid of it?

Ss: Yes.

T: What will you do when you meet it, face it bravely or run away?

Ss: ...

T: Running away can`t solve the difficulty,so we must face it bravely and find some good methods to solve it. And do you think the passage filling is a difficulty?

Ss: yes.

T: Then will you face it bravely or run away?

Ss: Face it bravely and find some good methods to solve it.

T:OK, now let`s find some good methods to solve it.

Step 2. Presentation

Show a slide to introduce the methods of doing with the passage filling and have students read them, then have a test and ask students to match the steps with the correct numbers.Next introduce the analysis method of parts of speech, explain the difficulties to students and give some examples.

Step 3. Practice

Show passage filling(A) ,lead students to complete it with the methods above.Firstly, analyze the given words and write down their forms; Secondly, read the passage quickly and learn about the main idea of it, then circle the key words; Thirdly, according to the meanings of these sentences and the grammars, try to fill in the brackets; Finally, read the passage again and check the answers.

Step 4. Consolidation

Show passage filling(B) to students and have them complete it in groups, then invite a few students to share their answers. The teacher walk around in the classroom to offer help while students are discussing.

Step5. Summary

The methods of doing with the passage filling and the analysis method of parts of speech.

Emotional education:

A: Treating your subjects as your hobbies is a good way to learn them well.

B:Love our parents forever.

