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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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二.Teaching important and difficult points:

Master past tense and past perfect tense。

三.Teaching tools:ppt recorder

四.Teaching process:

Step1.warming up。

1.Look at the pictures and guess which festival it is?

Ask:Do you know April Fool’s Day?

Introduce:April Fool's Day is a traditional day to play jokes on others.

2.Learn new words。

fool, costume, embarrassed ,costume party

3.Answer the following questions:

1).When is April Fool’s Day ?

2).What do people usually do on April Fool’s Day?

3).“He is an April Fool.” What does it mean?


1.Finish 1a. Put these words in the correct columns in the chart. Some words can go in more than one column.

(1)Tell students nouns are probably about people, places, and things. Verbs are about action words. Description words are probably adjectives.

(2)Explain new words to students.

costume: An actor’s or performer’s costume is the set of clothes they wear while they are performing.

embarrassed: feeling very shy or uncomfortable.

e.g. She was embarrassed because she wore jeans at the costume party.

(3) Share the answers with others in class.

(4) Ask students to make sentences with the words in 1a.

2. Work on 1b。

Tell your partner about something that happened to you recently. Use two or more words in 1a.


1.Look at the pictures in 1c, and describe the pictures ,then guess the person’s feeling.

(1)Look at the four pictures in 1c, and ask students to make up a story.

T: Look at each picture carefully; what can you see? Can you guess how the person feels in the picture? Try to make up a story using at least two words in 1a.

2.Listen to 1c

