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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 1a—1e下载详情
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Step 1 Greeting

Step 2 Lead-in

1. Play a cartoon about April Fool’s Day. T: Do you know which festival this is ? April Fool’s Day. What’s April Fool’s Day? April Fool's Day is on April 1st. It’s a traditional day to play jokes on others in western countries. Have you ever fooled others on April Fool’s Day? And have you ever been an April fool? Tell me your stories.

2. T: OK. Now let’s go in April Fool’s Day. Are you ready? Class begins. Please open your books. Turn to Page 93. we’ll study the new lesson Unit12 Life is full of unexpected Section B 1a—1e.

Step 3 Pre-listening

Look and guess. Look at the pictures in 1c and guess what happened. Ask the Ss to imagine what happened with the words and phrases in 1a. Look at the picture d. Can you guess some information from the picture? Fill in the blanks.

T: (Picture d. 引着学生说) I guess the boy went to the costume party, because he wore a costume, but he was embarrassed, he was the only one wearing a costume. When he got there, he found that his friend had fooled him.

T: (Picture c. 引着学生说) Next, the boy went to school early, because the school was empty.

Maybe he realized that someone had fooled him and had changed the clock earlier.

T: (Picture b.引着学生说) Next, he was very tired because he had stayed up all night studying.

T: (Picture a.引着学生说) Next, The boy was very scared, because he thought he had met monster.

Is this a real monster? (学生回答No) It’s a costume, a monster suit. (怪兽套装)

Step 4 Listening

1. T:I’ll play the tape for you. The first time , only listen for the general idea. After listening, ask what the conversation is about.

2.T: Listen again and finish 1c and 1d. Let’s look at the pictures. (同时呈现四幅图) T: They are Joe, Nick and Dave. They are talking about April Fool’s Day. Do you want to know who they are in each picture? Listen and match.What are they talking about? Listen and match.

Who What

Picture d Joe a costume party

my alarm went off

Picture c Nick stayed up all night

was exhausted

Picture b Dave really embarrassed

the other kids showed up

Picture a3.T: OK. Listen and check.

4.T: Are you ready? Who’d like to show your answer? Are these all right?

5.T: Do you want to know more information about them? Listen again and fill in the chart below.

WhenWhoWhat happened?What’s the result of the joke?April Fool’s DayDaveHis friend________him to a ______party.When he________ there,he found that it________ a costume party. He was the only person ________a costume. He was really ____________.He found that his friend him.

He was really .NickHis friend _________ him and told him they had a _________ test the next day. By the time he got to math class; he was _________ because he_________all night ________ .He realized that his brother

him and the clock to an hour earlier.JoeWhen his alarm clock_________ , he got up, took a _________ , got _________, and went to ________ .When he got to school, the school was _________ . An hour later, other kids _________ .He found out that

6.T:Read the conversations on P146 and listen to the tape and repeat, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

7.T: Please look at the chart. Let’s retell like this: On April Fool’s Day, … T: 2 minutes for you. Are you ready? Who’d like to share?

