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师梦圆小学英语教材同步粤人版三年级起点三年级上册Lesson 3下载详情
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教学难点:学会运用He/She is my...介绍自己的家庭成员,并形成短文。


Step 1 Greetings

Teacher has free talk with students.

T: Hello!What’s your name?How are you?

Step 2 Lead-in

Play two games to lead in

Super star (students read out the words as soon as possible when it occurs)

Bomb game(read out the words in black but keep quiet as seeing the red words ).

Sing a song “She’s my mom!”

(Teacher: OK!Guys!Please sing a song together!)

Step 3 Before writing

Teacher presents her family photo and invites students to ask her.

Eg. Teacher shows her father’s picture.

Students,“Who’s he?” Teacher,”He’s my father.”

Teacher presents students’ photos on PowerPoint and talk about them using “Who’s she?/Who’s he?”

3.Teacher goes into students and ask them about their family members.

Step 4 Practice and writing

Group work. Students work in groups, pointing to each other ‘s family photos and using “Who’s she?/Who’s he?”(invite some students to have a show)

Introduction. Teacher makes a demonstration to introduce her family. “Hello! I am Miss Cao. This is my family...”Then students follow the demonstration tointroduce their families.

Writing. Teacher shows an example for them, and guide them to write.

Post-writing. Studentsshare with their partners about their writing then have a show.

Step 5 Extension

Family education-We should be thankful to our family.

Play a video.

Step 6 Homework

Introduce your family to your classmates.

Do something for your family.E.g. Do some housework.

五.板书设计:Unit 4 My Family

Who’s he? My Family