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师梦圆小学英语教材同步辽宁师大版三年级起点六年级下册Unit 6 Sports games下载详情
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  基本能听懂,会读,会说,会写的词汇: Sports Day, for, metre , everyday, good luck, come on .

  能正确使用“I’m going to…” 来谈论自己将要做的事。 ??


Step1 Warmer 1. Listen to a song:?2.Talk about the song: Where is the boy going to go? 3.T: I am going to a stadium and watch some sport games. Are you going to go with me ? 2.课件展示关于运动的图片:What are they doing?Please describe the picture with“ They are…”

Step2 Leading 今天老师还想请大家跟我一起去羊村看运动会,乐意去的请站起来走吧!

Step3 New Teaching 1.课件展示《羊羊运动会》的视频。羊村要举行运动会了…… A. Look and learn. The teacher read the setences as the sengtences appear. B. Teaching the new words and the phrases:“ Sports Day, for, metre, every day, good luck, come on” at the right moment with the cards. 2. Daming的学校也要开运动会,同学们可高兴了,我们去看看他们打算参加哪些运动项目,好不好? A. Have the students listen to the tape, and think about: What is Daming going to do? Who is the winner? Then ask some students to answer the questions. B. Open your book Then read it together. C. Daming 准备参加100米跑步比赛后,他做了什么事?结果怎么样?我们应该怎么做? 3. 课件展示有关运动的图片:大耳朵图图需要你们的帮助了。有一些关于体育的图片,需要用英语描述它们。可是图图的英语不太流利,他想请一些英语小能手为他讲解这些图片。你们愿意帮助他吗? Have some students talk about the pictures with : “I’m going to…”

Step4 Practice Have the students to work in pairs: If your school is going to have a Sport Day, what are you going to doT: Please choose a sport and mime it . Your partner has to say what sport it is. A: (mime the sport) B: You are going to … A: Yes, I’m going to…

Step5 Homework 1、Tell the story to your friends or your family. 2、Exercise Book (Writing Part)
