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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点四年级下册Lesson 1下载详情
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2. 能够在情境中正确使用功能句Excuse me, where is the…? It’s on/in….询问某个场所的位置,并能够描述某个场所的位置。

3. 能够根据语境正确书写单词,用新词汇和主要句型制作City Guide。

4. 能够使用City Guide介绍城市的场所,并帮助问路的人。重点难点重点:1. 四会掌握词汇city, street, sports, centre, hotel, square等表示城市中常见场所的词汇,并尝试用拼读规律记忆生词。2. 能够正确使用功能句Excuse me, where is the…? It’s on/in….询问某个场所的位置,并能够描述某个场所的位置。难点:centre和square的发音,拼写。教师在教学中运用相同字母组合发音归类的方法来突破难点。教学方法 任务教学法,情境教学法,小组合作法

教学准备 PPT,单词句型卡片,简笔画,猜谜游戏用6张句子条,学习单教学过程 教师活动 学生活动设计意图I.Warm- up& Lead-in








Greetings: Hello, boys and girls.

2. Guessing game:

This is Bill’s neighbourhood.

Read and guess. Where is it?

3. Change Bill’s neighbourhood into a small square, then change the city into a map of China. Explain: Bill’s neighbourhood is in his city. There are a lot of cities in China. Show new word city, and cities. Put Cities on the Bb. We’ll talk about cities in Unit 2.

1. Show Bill’s friend Binbin. He lives in the countryside. Bill invites him to the city. Play the dialogue.

Show the picture of a city. Ask Ss to give a general comment on the city. Then show buildings and streets in the city. Draw two streets on Bb. Put on the cards of Apple Street and Banana Street.

2. Teach new word “sports centre”.

1) Show the picture. A sports center. And say. There is a sports center in the city. Show famous sports center That children know. Ask them to think about .what They can do in the sports centre.

2) Show a word card and a picture of sports centre. Put the picture on Bananas Street on the Bb. And say. The sports center is on bananas Street. You can get there by subway. And another two word cards of “ice face”.

3) Ask students to compare the three words with “ce”.

4) Put sentences on the Bb.

Three structures are. There is a…. You can…there. It's on… You can get there by….

Teach other new words in the same steps.

3. square/hotel/museum

1). Show a picture and a sentence of a square.

2). Famous square: Zhongshan Square. Tiananmen Square. Times Square. Red Square

3) Put a small picture and word card on Bb. Three words with “are” care, hare, square

4) Talk about what you can do on the square. Play a video of music fountain.