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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点四年级下册Lesson 1下载详情
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Teaching important points:Be able to listen and speak five words about city: city,hotel,street,square,sports centre

Teaching difficult points: Be able to listen and speak five words about cities: city,hotel,street,square,sports centre;and use the sentence pattern“Excuse me, where is…? It’s…”

三.Teaching aids:PPT

五.Teaching procedure

Step 1 Greeting

T:Good morning,everyone.

S:Good moning, teacher.

T:Sit down,please.

S:Thank you.

Step 2 Warming up

T:Before our class, look at the picture and answer my questions.

Excuse me, where is the restaurant ?

S:It’s between the hospital and the bank.

T: Excuse me, where is the grocery?

S:It’s next to the post office . or It’s on Xinhua Street.

T:Yes,you are right. Sit down,please.

Step 3 Leading in

T: Look at another picture, this is clean and beautiful city.The tall building is Sun Hotel. It’s between City Bank and the post office. It’s on Xinhua Street.Across from Sun Hotel is a big square.

T:And there are many buildings here, museum, park, cinema and so on.

T:OK, today we will learn Unit 2 Cities Lesson 1

T:By introducing, let’s guess, what’s the meaing of cities ? city, community or other buildings?

S:community, city…

T:Yes, you are right.This is the topic of the city.

Step 4 Presentation

1. city

T: cities:lead the reading: Its original form: city, this is the first word of the lesson.

T: city : one city ; cities: many cities this is what we say the pural form

of a noun

T: listen carefully and follow it

S:Collective reading and read alone