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Step 1: Warm-up

1. Sing a song: 《Places Song》师生一起唱跳。

【设计意图】复习第一单元学过的表示地点场所的单词,渗透第二单元第二课时句型How can I get there?以及4种交通方式bus, taxi, car, bicycle。

2. Bomb Game:



3. Free Talk:

T: I’m A. Who wants to be B? Where is the school?

S: It’s next to the toy shop. T: Who wants to try?

S1: Where is the bank? S2: It’s between the library and restaurant.

S3: Where is the supermarket? S4: It’s across from the Lucky’s home.

【设计意图】通过自由对话,复习第一单元句型Where is the…? It’s across from/ next to/ between…引出今天新句型Excuse me. Where is the…? It’s across from…由复习单词,词组到复习句子,其目的是为这节课做下铺垫。

Step 2: Presentation

1. Guessing: There are many tall buildings in it. We can live in it. Where is it? 通过谜语引出新单词city。教师板书city,进行机械操练。

2. 通过boy—boys, baby—babies,引出可数名词变复数规律:以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,把y变i再加es; 以元音字母+y结尾的名词,直接加s. T:So how does city change? S: Cities.


T: How many cities can you see? S: I can see 9 cities. T: Which city do we live in? S: Tonghua City. T: Do you like our city? Ss: Yes, I do. T: So we should study hard and construct the hometown.


4. Tonghua City is not big. But very beautiful. Look! There is a Ouya Shopping Centre on Jiangnan Street. 通过语音教学讲解street.



T: I’m a tourist. I’m lost. Who can help me? Excuse me. Where is the bookshop? S: It’s next to the post office. It’s on Jianshe Street. T: Who wants to try? S1: Excuse me. Where is the supermarket? S2: It’s next to the hospital. It’s on Jiangnan Street.找三组学生进行对话练习。

6. T: Is it restaurant? S: No, it isn’t. T: Is it post office? S: No, it isn’t. T: What’s this? S: Hotel.通过拼读练习进行hotel的机械操练。

7.通过地图二进行对话练习,巩固Hotel的用法。引出There be 句型。

T: Excuse me. Where is the Qitian Hotel? S: It’s next to the bank. T: Yes. There is a Qitian Hotel next to the bank.S1: Excuse me. Where is the Qitian Hotel? S: It’s across from the park. T: Yes. There is a Qitian Hotel across from the park.找三组学生进行对话练习。

8.通过 robot video引出square. 通过大小声进行square的机械操练。通过地图三进行对话练习,巩固square的用法。引出Is there…? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.句型。T: Where is the Shengli Square? S: It’s on Jianshe Street. T: Is there a Shengli Square on Jianshe Street? S: Yes, there is. 找三组学生进行对话练习。

9. Game: What’s missing?
