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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点五年级下册Lesson 3下载详情
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Sing a song together with the students: Making Contact.

Say: I always make phone calls with my parents. Ask the students: How can you make contact with your friends or relatives?

Show a picture that I receive an email, ask the students to read with me together.Greeting.

2. sing and act together.

3. Answer the question:

My grandparents live in..., I often make a video call with them.

4.Look at the picture.




While-task procedures

While-task procedures

While-task procedures

1. Play the sound of the email.

2. Invite individual students to answer the questions.

3. Ask the students to read paragraph one, then mark the time, the place and the activities. Show them the picture of Shenyang Exposition Garden, teach the word exposition.

4. Ask the students to read paragraph two and mark. Then say together. Show pictures to teach the phrase hand out, ask them who hands out their exercise books. Then invite students to act in front: help people find their way. After that, ask them to say what they would like to do to help the traffic policeman. At the same time, stick the cards on the blackboard.

5. invite one student to retell this part.

6. Go on to say and mark in the afternoon. Stick the cards on the blackboard. Invite one student to retell it.

7. Ask the students to read the rest part and mark. Stick the cards on the board and invite one student to retell this part.

8. Ask the students to fill in the blanks.1. Look and listen.

Read the questions first and answer the questions.

3. Read the sentences and mark. Look at the picture and read the new word after the teacher.

4.Read and mark. Then say together. Look at the pictures and read the phrases. Answer the teacher: I often hand out English exercise books...

Practice in pairs and act out the phrase help people find their way in front.

Say the things they can do to help the traffic policeman.

5.look at the blackboard and retell this part.

6. Say and retell this part.

7. Read the rest part and say the activities.

Retell this part.