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川教2011课标版三年级起点《Lesson 3 What’s Your Father’s Job?》集体备课教案下载-宁德市优质课

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T: Answer me together, Who’s he?

Ss: He is a cook…


Teach‘What’s your father’s/mother’s job?

He’s /She’s a …’


-what’s your father’s job?

-He is a ...

T:Do you want to know their jobs? 翻译一下.You can guess.翻译一下,who want to have a try? 指着爸爸这个单词,谁先猜猜我爸爸的职业?

S4:A …

(假如学生猜对了)T:Excellent, you are right, He is a doctor.然后点击ppt显示doctor的图片。

T:(假如学生猜错了)T:I am sorry, he isn’t a … 如果你们想知道我爸爸的职业是什么,用中文你们会怎么问我呢?


T: Yes, but how to say it in English?翻译一下。提醒,你的爸爸,your father ,询问职业用what’s, who want to try. Don’t be afraid.

S5:What’s your father’s job?如果学生实在说不起来,就提示他。

(write the sentence on the Bb, ask the Ss to read after me )

教师自问自答What’s my father’s job? Look,He’s a doctor.(将He’s a doctor 写在 What’s your father’s job? 的下面。Ask the Ss to read it two times)

T: You want to know my mother’s job, how to ask me?翻译一下。

S6:What’s your mother’s job?

T: Yes, What’s your mother’s job?在黑板上father 的后面写下mother. look,她是一名厨师,怎么用英语说她是一名厨师?

S7:She’s a cook.

T: Good,(在he’s的前面写上she’s, 在doctor的后面写上cook)

Ask the Ss to read the sentences on the Bb.

Step3 Practice

1. Role-play

I’ll ask a boy acts father, a girl acts mother, each of them will wear a hat of different jobs, then ask the desk mates to act out the dialogue, using ‘what’s your …job?, He’s/She is a…’

Step4 Consolidation

1. Ask the Ss to listen to the dialogue of part A, then I’ll ask them some questions.

2. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue after the tape .

3. Ask some Ss to read it in different roles.