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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点五年级下册Part A下载详情
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2. 教师快速闪动卡片,学生举手抢答词汇。

温馨提示:为提高学生参与的积极性,教师可提前出示卡片,要求学生在听到指令Begin! / Start! / Action! 之后,再举手抢答,反之则为犯规,比一比谁的反应最快,教师可拟定有趣的奖惩规则。

ⅱ. 新课导入Part A Warming-up: Look and circle


T: Look out of the window, boys and girls. What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy / snowy / cloudy / ...?

Ss: Yes, it is. / No. It’s ...

T: Well, it’s ... outside. Please circle the picture.

Ⅱ. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

ⅰ. 新课展示 Part A Let’s talk

1. 通过师生问答学习如何就天气进行问答:

T:(教师指着窗外,注意根据当天的实际天气情况来举例)Look out of the window. There are many clouds in the sky. What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy? Is it sunny?

Ss: No. It’s cloudy.

T: Good job! Yes. It’s cloudy.

板书并朗读功能句:What’s the weather like today? It’s cloudy.

2. 教师呈现Let’s talk部分的教学挂图

T: Look at this picture! Look out of the window. Is it snowing?

Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s raining.

T: Oh! It is raining. What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It’s rainy.

温馨提示:教师注意讲解单词like的用法,以前接触过的like是动词“喜欢”,然而在What’s the weather like today?这句话里,like则是介词“像……”。如:The cloud is like a horse.

3. 教师做出遮挡雨的动作,继续引入话题:

T: Oh! It is raining now! What should I take? (拿出所准备的雨伞给学生一个小提示,引导学生说出下面的句子)

Ss: Take your umbrella, please.

T: Yes! Take my umbrella with me. Thanks.

温馨提示:take 动词“拿上、拿”;with介词“和……一起”。如:I want to go to school with you. 我想和你一起去学校。

教师讲解祈使句型Take ... with ... 并引导学生练习运用:

T: Today is sunny!(教师做出用手遮阳光的动作)

Ss: Take your sunglasses with you.

T: It is snowing now! I am very cold! (教师做出发抖的动作)

Ss: Take your coat with you.