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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点五年级下册Part A下载详情
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二, 教学内容重难点分析:



三, 课前准备:

1.? 教具准备:表格(每两人一份)

2.? 教学准备:分好小组(四人为一小组),开好课件

3.? 板书准备:课前在黑板上写好What’s the weather like today?


Part 1.Free talk and motivation:

1.T/S: Good morning boys and girls./Miss Li.

.T: What’s the day/date today?

Ss: It’s….

? T: What’s your favourite holiday? When’s…?

? Ss: My favourite holiday is…

3.T: But do you know “What’s the weather like today?”(point to the sky outside,and repeat the sentence several times)

4.T:(click on the screen) Look, what can you see? (Picture 1)?

Part 2.Presentation:

1.? Ss: I can see a sun.

T: Yes, when there’s a sun in the sky, then we say it is sunny today. ( Picture 2? )? Ss read the word after the T several times

T: So what’s the weather T: So what’s the weather like in the picture?

Ss: It’s sunny. ( write the word on the blackboard )

T: Can you draw a picture about sunny? ( let? a S to draw a picture on the blackboard )

T: How about this picture? What can you see? (Picture 3)

Ss: I can see…

Teach the rest words just as above.

2.T: (review the words) What’s the weather like today? (point to the picture on Part 3.Practice:

the blackboard ) 1.? T: (show the map of China) Now you’re the weather reporters, ask and answer with your partners

2.? Choose several pairs to act it out.


1.? T: Look at these tools , what can you imagine? What will you think about? For example: An umbrella, when do we need an umbrella? When it is rainy, we need an umbrella.