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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点五年级下册Part A下载详情
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Teaching Aims:

Knowledge Aims

------What’s the weather like today/in…?

------It’s cloudy/ windy/ sunny…

Take your … with you.

Ability Aims

Talk about the weather in English

Choose the different things for different weather

Key Points& Difficult Points

Use “What’s the weather like today?” “It’s cloudy/…” to ask and answer the weather

Understand the meaning of “take” and “Take your … with you”.

Teaching Method

Three stage model: Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.

Teaching Aids

ppt, tape, pictures of weather, some sticks

Teaching Procedures

STEP 1 Warm-up& Review

Design a story about George gotten zero and he need the students’ help to learn the new words “weather report” “sunny” “windy” “cloudy” “rainy” and “snowy”.

Play the video about the weather report to review the words of weather.

Good morning! Here’s the weather report for some big cities. Beijing is windy, please take your coat with you. Shanghai is rainy, please take your umbrella with you. Guangzhou is cloudy, people will feel cool in the daytime. Changsha is sunny, take your sunglasses with you. But in Urumchi, it is snowy and very cold. Please take your hat with you. Thank you for your listening. Goodbye!

Ask students to fill the blanks “It’s _____ in Beijing/ Shanghai/...”


Use the situation to input the 6 words, These two activities aim to arouse the Ss’ interests in the topic and activate their listening skills to review the words. Then Ss will be mentally prepared for the reading comprehension. What’s more, when they are talking about the charateristics of the weather, they will concern themselves with the issue of the weather.

STEP 2 Presentation

Use the pictures of weather to teach “What’s the weather like today?”

Play the video . Let students know about this dialogue.

Ask the Ss the meaning of “take your umbrella with you”

Play a game: I say you do. To practice the sentence “ Take your … with you.”

Give students some pictures and let them practice this sentence.

Play the video again. And ask the students to read it.