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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点六年级下册Part B下载详情
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T: Let’s sing an English song”apple tree.”

Let’s review about past tense

1.want 2. lose 3. have 4. learn

5.start 6. make 7.play 8. is

四、Leading in :

T: Listen to the video and Let’s know the story of someone

Ss : The student listen carefully.

T: Who is he ?

Ss: He is Liu Wei.

T: Today we will learn about the story of Liu Wei.

五、Learning aims:

T: Look at learning aims:

1.能听懂并理解Let’s learn more部分的内容,培养学生积极、乐观的人生观。



六、Let’s perceive the story

T: At first, look at these questions and listen to the video. Then answer my questions.

1.What does Liu wei want to be ?

2.What happened to him at the age of nine?

3.What did he learn when he lost his arms?

4.How long did he play the piano in a day?

七、Let’s explain the story:

八、Let’s read the story in your group:

九、Let’s retell the story:

Little Liu Wei wanted to be a ... At the age of nine, he...Then he had to... He ... But at the age of nineteen, he had to... In 2006,he started to...with... He played ... a day and now he plays it ...

十、Let’s practice:(choose and talk) P21

A: He is an actor. He is from Hong Kong. He is in many films. His films make people laugh. Guess, who is he?

B: I think he is...

a. He is an actor. He is from Hong Kong. He is in

many films. His films make people laugh.