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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)三年级下册Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow.下载详情
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Step4 Consolidation

1.Greetings:(How are you? How old are you ? What’s your name? What colour is it? )

2.Enjoy the ABC song.

3.Play a game: Say and find the letters’ neighbors. Teacher gives E, let students find E’s two neighbors.

Play a game----Sharp eyes. (head eye nose mouth arm hand leg foot) Then give a funny man ‘s picture.Let the students do pair work : What’s that? It’s his....

Sing a song 《The rainbow》together.

1.When the song 《The rainbow》 finish , I ask the students:

① Point to the yellow and ask T: What colour ? S: Yellow. Teach the new word: colour. C sounds |k| cat cap cake

② Play a game. I say and you do. T: Point to your nose. Ss: OK. This is my nose. (arm...) Then ask one student : What’s this? S1: It’s my arm. ( I put the blue card on his arm.) T: What colour? It’s blue. Point to a rabbit.

Show a picture of rabbit. T: This is a rabbit.

What colour is rabbit’s leg?

①Listen and answer. It’s red.

②Repeat after the flash.

③Imitate the talk

④Act it out.

Enjoy the ABC song again. They’re colourful letters. I love every letter. Then ask:

T: What’s your favourite letter?

Ss: I love A.(B﹨C﹨D...)

T: What colour is it?

Ss: It’s red.

T: Yes, it’s a red A.

①Do pair work.

②Listen to the chant.

③Read after the flash.

Boys and girls, you did a good job. I have some gifts for you. ①Call one student: T: Hello, ××. My favourite Letter is A. . What’s your favourite letter? (板书) S: My favourite letter is . T: And what’s your favourite colour? S: My favourite colour is red. T: OK. Here you are. (现场涂色,送给孩子)S: Thank you. Teach “Here you are.” ②Let’s listen and answer: What’s Sam’s favourite colour? It’s ....③Read then imitate.(Pay attention the intonation and pronunciation)④Act it out.

Group work. Make colourful letters. Then send the letters to own friends. Use these sentences: A: What’s your favourite letter? B: It’s .

A: What’s your favourite colour?

B: It’s .

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you. (教师示范)
