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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)四年级下册Unit 2 He's cool.下载详情
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III Teaching methods

Cards ppt task-based Teaching Method pair-work .

IV Teaching procese

Step1 warming up. chant.

S:let’s chant together(review what we have learn last class .the words and the sentences).

Step 2 presentation .

1.Show the pictures and the words.let Ss read the words in different ways .(one by one , pairs or groups)

2.Do a game to remember the new words . Sharp Eyes (have Ss speak out loudly when they see the word cards and the words on the PPT).then let some Ss help teacher put the cards on the blackboard.

3.Activity 1 (show the picture of 1)

T:Do you know the boy? He is introducing his family members to his friend .

S: He is Sam.

T:Yes. He use two target sentences to introduce his mother and his father.do you know?

S:Yes, this is my mother,she’s a nice teacher. This is my father, he’s very clever.

T:Let’s clap our hands and chant.

4 Activity2 ( Have Ss watch the video first and then finish the task.)

T:Today our friends Panpan is going to introduce his family members to us ,ok let’s watch the video first, then finish two questions .

Q1: Who are they?

Q2 :What are they like?

Task2 match the person and the description words.

Task3 Role play . image you are Panpan ,you can chose one member to introduce to us ,have some Ss show themselves in front of the whole class.

Step3 practice

1 Pair-work. have four students be in a group and introduce the others one by one .

2 Let’s talk. try to introduce your friends or your partner to us. You can use the sentences:

This is...

She’s/ He’s...

Step4 Summary

Do the task “Can you find more?”

You can find more words in the different rows and different lines.then write them down on the paper. Then let’s check together.

Step5 Homework.

Please describe the members of your family to your friends.
