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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section B下载详情
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Go along this road until you get to Beisihuan Road.

Turn left and walk on.

It’s about 15 kilometers away from here.

First, you need to take Bus No. 718, then you should change to the No. 108 bus at Liyuan Stop.

3. Let students learn to help others.

Teaching aids:

PPT, Pictures

Teaching important and difficult points.

The sentences of asking the way and giving directions.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Greeting and warming up (2分钟)

T: Let’s chant together.

Stop, look, and listen,

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

Before you use your feet.

Step 2. Review and leading-in (2分钟)

T: Look at the map. Suppose you are standing at A, please make a dialog with your partner about how to get to the Post Office/Parking Lot/Hospital. Ready? Go! (让学生体验合作学习的乐趣。)

T: OK. Stop. Which pair wants to show us your dialog?

(对学生的双人活动进行点评,复习并总结学过的有关问路的句型, 自然导出新的问路句型。)

Step 3. New words (1分钟)

The teacher uses some cards to help students revise the new words. (学生已牢固掌握单词的读音及拼写).

Step 4 Self-learning (3分钟)

1. Read 1a and finish the following tasks by yourself.

(1).Read 1a and underline the sentences about asking and giving directions.

(2).Read 1a again and translate it.

(3).Read 1a again and find out the key points.

2. Listen to 1a and write down the key words or phrases.Finish 1b (3分钟)

Check the answers of 1b. Listen to 1a again and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .Go!

Step 5Discussion (4分钟)