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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section B下载详情
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(5)Then you should change to...at ... Stop.


二. Teaching procedures

StepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction

(5 minutes)The whole class work.

Pair work.

Individual work.

Focus your attention on the teacher.

2.Do duty report. Draw your own map to describe how to get to the school from your home. Make up a new conversation in pairs. Then practice the conversation. Some pairs show your maps and act out the conversations to the whole class.


A: Maria, how can you get to your school?

B: Well, I live on Guangqian Road. Go up Guangqian Road and turn left at the second crossing. It’s on West Street. Go down West Street to the end. The school will be on my right. And you?

A: ...


Look at the picture of 1a in Section A. Listen to the teacher’s questions about asking ways. Try to answer the teacher’s questions as quickly as you can.

T: Suppose I am in A place. Now how can I get to the library?

S1: Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at the first crossing. It’s about twenty meters along on the left.

T: Good. Now, which is the way to the hospital?

S2: ...

T: Could you tell me the way to.../Where is ...

(Lead to the new expressions about asking ways in conversation. )

S3: Go along ... until you get to ... Turn left and walk on.1.Get students ready for learning.

Help the students revise the words and expressions in the last topic.

3. Help the students revise the expressions about asking ways and giving directions.


(10 minutes)The whole class work and pair work.

Read 1a after the tape. Practice the conversation in pairs based on 1b. Some pairs act out the conversation to the whole class.Play the tape recorder. To be a good listener.

Teaching reflection:

在本课中,学生在听力活动与两两对话中,学习并操练了关于“问路”和“指路”的表达方式。“问路”和“指路”是我们生活中常见的话题,但是有的学生方向感不强,尤其在平面地图中经常会迷失方向,因此,教师可引导学生结合身边真实的生活环境来操练“问路”和“指路”的对话,这样一来,学生就能比较直观、有效地学习并掌握这两个话题功能的用法。同样地,本课学习了交通标志以及身边一些公共设施的英语表达,教师可引导学生在课外多在身边发现类似的标志,并尝试用英语表达。三. Blackboard design

Topic 3 How can I get to the library?