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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级上册Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.下载详情

外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)《Unit 1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometres long.》集体备课教案下载-遵义市优质课

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more than(超过), thousand(一千), kilometre(公里),

something(某事物), million(百万).

2. 运用以下句式描述一个景点或城市的特征与地理位置:

How long is it? It's ... long.

How big is it? It's got ... people.

3. 运用本课的句式,两人一组开展猜谜活动。

III Text Learning

Look at the picture: Daming is visiting the US. He’s in New York with his cousin Simon.

Read the dialogue by yourself and think about some questions:

Q1:What does Simon want to know about the Great Wall?

Q2: What does Daming want to know about New York?

Q3:What does Simon want to know about Beijing?

Check the answers:

Q1. How long is the Great Wall?

Q2. How big is New York?

Q3. How big is Beijing?

Watch the video and think about these questions:

Q1. How long is the Great Wall?

Q2. How big is New York?

Q3. How big is Beijing?

Discuss in groups.

Check the answers and explain the new words:

thousand, kilometre, million, more than, something.

IV Practise

Listen to the video and read after it.

Practise reading the dialogue and act it out.

Show time: Dub for the dialogue.

Look at some beautiful postcards and read the functional sentences.

V Task Completion

Watch the dialogue: I will introduce the Great Wall for you.
