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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)四年级下册Lesson 3下载详情
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( = 4 \* roman iv )Strategy aims: Ss take part in the interaction actively during the class and they are willing to cooperate with their partners and finish the learning task together.

( = 4 \* roman v ) Cultural aims: Ss get the general knowledge about looking for things in foreign countries and they can communicate with their foreign friends fluently.

= 3 \* ROMAN III . The important points

The new sentence patterns: Where is my pencil/.. ?

Look under the wardrobe.

It’s not there.

= 4 \* ROMAN IV . The difficult points

Ss can make a new chant and say it by themselves.

= 5 \* ROMAN V . Teaching aids

Pad, flash, PPT, electronic whiteboard, cards

= 6 \* ROMAN VI . Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up:


电子白板上呈现一个flash动画,先出现房间的框架,师问,What’s this?引出本课课题My room。通过逐一出现房间家具的形式让学生复习房间物品单词,为后面学习chant 作铺垫。

(这个环节帮助学生复习学过的房间里物品的单词,同时引出本课课题My room)

2. Review the prepositions through a mouse in a room.

PPT上出示Jerry的房间,The cat wants to catch it, so Jerry has to hide in his room. Where is Jerry?里面跳出一只老鼠Jerry,通过不断变换Jerry的位置来帮助学生复习介词及介词短语,为后面学生学习寻找物品做铺垫。

Step 2: Presentation

1. T: Now, I’m Toby. I can’t find my pencil.(师做哭泣状),and can you help me? Please watch a video, and answer my questions: Where’s my pencil? (第一遍整体感知,通过提问题的方式让学生初步感知整首chant,形成整体的语感。)学生观看flash动画,带着问题Where’s my pencil?整体感知chant.

2. Look and find the pencil.

师带着学生一起寻找pencil, 通过flash的展示,学生清晰地看到Toby拿着放大镜在衣柜下面寻找pencil的动作,师及时教授句型Look under the wardrobe.反复让学生操练该句型。学生在不同的地方寻找pencil,图片上变换不同的位置让学生反复操练句型Look … the … .。回到flash动画最后在衣柜下面还是没有找到pencil,老师教授并操练It’s not there.最终学生也没有找出pencil到底在哪里。

3. Let’s chant. Say the first part of the whole chant.

师第一遍教读,第二遍打节奏带着学生读,打节奏读的时候尤其注意提醒学生注意整首chant的押韵问题,提醒学生chant存在一个韵律美的问题。为了实现韵律美,这里Look under the wardrobe里面的the要省掉不读。找两组学生展示。

4. Look and find the ruler.

在寻找pencil无果后,师继续扮演Toby,让学生帮其寻找ruler.让学生利用pad上的flash,自学chant的第二部分,读一读,唱一唱,给学生两分钟的时间完成这个任务。注意观察学生读的时候是否省掉Look behind the curtains里面的the,最后找两组学生进行展示。

5. Look and find the book.

师继续扮演Toby,让学生帮其寻找book. Flash上出示不同的位置引导学生和Toby一起寻找book. PPT上出示四个不同的位置及寻找的方向,学生根据所学句型自己创编chant最后一个部分并打着节奏读出来。找四组学生展示他们创编的chant.

Step 3: Practice

Let’s PK.将全体学生分成两大组,每组三个小组,两大组学生进行PK.完整地唱出整首chant,最后胜利的组会获得4 stickers作为奖励。

Step 4: Consolidation