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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级上册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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T: Now, sing a song. If you can, sing it happily together. sing and clap your hands.


T: Do you know the name of the song? S: Happy Birthday.

T: Oh, great. You already know the name of the song.(揭题并教授Happy Birthday!)

T: Boys greet. Boys: Happy Birthday.

T: Girls respond. Girls: Happy Birthday.

b. Time and activities on birthday.

T: Well done.

T: What can we do on birthday? (You can tell us in Chinese.)

S: 唱歌跳舞/ 做蛋糕/ 吃蛋糕等等。

c.教授It’s a…

T: Good. We can do many interesting things on birthday. And we can get a lot of presents, too.

d.教授近距离物品询问What’s this? 远距离物品询问What’s that?及回答It’s a/an...

T: Today I have a present. Do you want to know what is in it? How to guess about something nearby? (放音频,贴板书)教What’s this?

T: You can guess with ‘It’s a/an…’I think.

S1: It’s a …

S2: It’s a …

S3: It’s an ..

T:Oh, it’s a ball. 教授It’s a ball. 贴实图

T: Let’s chant the ball.

教授Ball, ball, this is a ball.

Ball, ball, that is a ball.(放手让学生模仿例句,补充完整。)

Step2. Pre-reading

T: Look,today is Helen and Mike’s birthday. Someone is visiting their home. Who is the person? Guess.


T: He’s Uncle John. 教学Uncle

Watch and tick.

T: What presents does Uncle John take? Tick on your tablet. You will have one minute.


(Check the answers on students’ tablet.)
