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牛津上海版九年级上册《Project:Making a class book Our Cartoon Friends》名师精品教案教学设计

By the end of the class , students are expected to.

1. be familiar wih the question types of Senio High School Entrance Examination English Test Papers.

2. analyse the main mistakes of each part.

3. correct the mistakes of each part..

4. develop reading and writing skills.

Key points:

1. To know the reasons of the mistakes of each part.

2. To develop reading and writing skills.

Teaching aids:

textbook, blackboard, ppt,.multi-media equipment, exercise sheets etc.

Teaching mehods: Group cooperative learning, Class performance assessment.

Teaching Procedures:

steps learning activities purposes pre-task ?

?Warming up :

Let the student enjoy an English song “Yesterday Once More” To arouse students’ interest, attract students into the class quickly. While-task 1. Analyse the main mistakes of each part.

Part 1: Listening

15) ( ) Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant.

16) ( ) Once, Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.

17) ( ) The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived.

Part 2: Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary

37) Several journalists ________ the lawyer about the international case an hour ago.

A) interview B) interviewed

C) will interview D) had interviewed

39) Vivian refuses ________ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.

A) to send B) sending