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新世纪版英语七年级上册《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson 3 Making Our Home Greener 》优秀教案下载

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新世纪版英语七年级上册《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson 3 Making Our Home Greener 》优秀教案教学设计

3. to learn the new test

4. to express future actions 目标制定

依据 学生状态分析 Most students have good ability of learning English and grasp the main idea of text well.Most of them are willing to speak English. 教材分析 Review the Simple Future Tense and learn the new test 教学过程设计 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时间估算 1.Warming up


3.Text Learing

(1).Talk about the picture:


1).The monitor asked the class to go to school earlier the next morning. T

2).The next day is Children’s Day. F

3).The three groups will go to the same place. F

4).Group Two will go to look after the trees under the viaduct near their school. T

5).Their class teacher, Mrs Chen won’t join them. F

6).They will set out at seven thirty. T

(3).Fill in the table:

1).What’s the girl’s name?

2).Why are her parents coming to China?

3).Is Anna coming with them?


Green Areas:

There should be more and more green areas.

People should plant more trees.

People shouldn’t pick up flowers in the park.

People should look after the grass in the park. 1.Chant “Tree”

2(1).Express the date of their birthday

Brainstorm:When is your birthday?