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七年级上册英语《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson 3 Making Our Home Greener 》获奖说课教案

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七年级上册英语《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson 3 Making Our Home Greener 》获奖说课教案教学设计

Knowledge objectives:

(1) To learn how to make our home greener

(2) To master the basic language skills of planting

Ability objectives:

(1) To improve the students’ listening and speaking skills.

(2) To make short dialogues.

Emotion objective:

(1) Arouse the students’ interest in learning English

2. Teaching difficult points and focus:

1. How to plant a tree.

2. How to make dialogues according to different situations.

3. Teaching procedures:

Stages Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity Purpose Warm-up

Show students some pictures and ask some questions Watch the pictures and answer some questions Lead in the topic

“Trees”. Pre-task

Show students some pictures and review the new words Enjoy the picture and tell the words they have learned review some new words and phrases While-task

Play the record of the text and show students some T/F questions

Listen to the record of the text and do the T/F questions Get the main idea of the text Ask the students to read the text and finish a form. Read the text and fill in the blanks Find some information in the text Ask the students to role-play the text and fill in the missing words Read the text in role and fill in the missing words Make the students familiar with the text Post-reading

Ask the students to do the pair work according to the situations Make dialogues according to the situations Improve the students’ speaking skills Ask the students to tell how to plant a tree Put the sentences in the correct order and tell how to plant a tree Let the students know how to plant a tree ?Conclusion Show the students some pictures of some trees in the world and introduce them Watch some pictures and know the names of some trees in the world Let students know more about the trees in the world Homework Recite the text. ? ?