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七年级上册《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson 3 Making Our Home Greener 》优质课教案教学设计

and Methods To talk about a film in details.

To learn the text and understand it.

To read the text and the learn important phrases. 3.Emotion、Attitude

and values To be a brave and clever boy with high sense of responsibility Language focus and difficult points Get to use “sth.+ to do \ ask sb. to do” well

“ none of + n.” Teaching preparation Teacher: Multimedia equipment (PPT) Students: Preview the text by themselves. Teaching procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task Help Ss to read and understand the words well.

Hold a competition Take part in the competition and understand the words well .

To review new words and get ready to learn the text.


Procedure Listen to the text twice and ask some questions according to the content of the text.

Understand what they are talking about

Teach” “sth.+ to do \ ask sb. to do”

“ none of + n.” Answer some questions about the text

What’s on ? what’s it about ? Who is the director of it? Who stars in it? How long does it last -----?

Listen to the text and finish the Comprehension Check.

4. Some practice (some expressions from themselves) on sth.+ to do \ ask sb. to do” To understand the text and learn to use “ to do “ as attribute and object complement

To know about the film mentioned in the text and learn to be a brave and clever boy with high sense of responsibility

Post- task

activities Help Ss to retell the text about the film < Zhang Ga, the Soldier Boy > Retell the text with the new words and expressions\ to do. expressions ) To go over the knowledge. Assignment Oral work: Read the text

Written work:EB P 41-42