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师梦圆初中英语教材同步新世纪课标版八年级下册Lesson 2 The Moonlight Sonata下载详情
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《Unit Three Leisure Time Lesson 2 The Moonlight Sonata》最新教研教案教学设计(新世纪版八年级下册)

1.understand the text by listening and reading

2. retell the text

3. talk about Beethoven and the blind girl

4. develop the spirit of never giving up

Teaching focus & difficulties

To motivate the students to understand and retell the text

Teaching strategies:

Task-based teaching

Teaching aids:

Multi-media equipment, worksheet, etc.

Teaching Procedure

Stages Learning Activities Teaching Purposes Pre-learning Have a brainstorming: musical instruments.

2. Play a guessing game :jazz, pop music, rock music, classical music, folk music.etc. 1.To lead in the topic.

While-learning 1. Listen to the text and put the pictures in the right order.

2. Listen to Para.1 and answer the questions.

3. Listen to Para.2~4 and decide whether the statements are true or false.

4. Read Para.5~7 and complete the sentence.

5. Listen to Para.8~9 and fill in the blanks.

6. Read Para.10 and answer the question.

To help the students get the rough idea of the text.

2. To help the students get detailed information.

Post-learning 1.Retell the text.

2.Have a discussion. 1. To help the students

consolidate the text.

2. To help the students develop the spirit of never giving up. Homework Read the text correctly and fluently.