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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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Teaching preparation:

Tape recorder, cards

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Warm up.

T: what day is it today?

Let’s have d discussion.

What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays?

I usually…

T: you usually go skating on Saturdays

You usually go swimming on Sundays. (板书本课重点并教授go skating/go swimming)

Step2 Presentation.

T: The Qingming Festival is coming.

What is Miss Zhang going to do this weekend? (出示泰兴公园,风筝,摆满食物的桌布以及去划船的图片)

T: I will go to Taixing Park, fly kites, have picnic and go boating. (教授本课三个新词组)

Would you like to fly kites, have picnic or go boating?

I think all of you are very happy and excited, wish you have a wonderful time! OK?

T: Actually it is the beat season to have picnics. Right? (出示季节一词,教读)

T: How many seasons are there in a year?

Season mum has four naughty children.(手指板书,分别用一片绿叶、红太阳、一个红苹果和一个雪人来代替四季。)

Please guess which season is it?

The wind is blowing the trees.

The cricket and cicada are singing.

(出示描述四季的相关提示词条以及描述季节里的声音,与学生一起学习spring/summer/autumn/winter&不同的感受warm/hot/cool/cold&四季开展的活动go climbing/make snowmen)

Step3 Practice.

Play a game : Quick response (复习新授内容)

Rules: When you see a word ,a picture or a sentence, read it out; When you see a bomb, you shout “Pong”.

(游戏规则:当你看到一个单词、一张图或句子, 请读出来;当你看到一个炸弹,请喊“pong”。)

Play a game: Guess according to the cues.(根据提示图片猜季节)

Play a game: Making a big snowball

Rules: Say more activities in 35 seconds. You repeat all the phrases before yours with no mistake.
