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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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1.重点:能在现实生活中比较自如地运用本单元的句型What can you see? Can you…?及其应答I can see…或Yes,I can/No,I can’t.与他人进行交流。




Ⅰ. Warming up

1. Listen and say “Me too.”.

Show a photo: (Kimi)

T: Who is he ? He’s Kimi. He wants to say something to us. If you agree with him, please stand up and say “Me too.”.

(1) Hi, everybody! I’m Kimi. I usually get up at seven.

(2) I go to school from Monday to Friday.

(3) I have four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon.

(4) I like English very much and I can sing some English songs.

(5) After school, I play football with my classmates.

(6) And I often go to the park at weekends. It’s great fun.

2. Listen to him again and try to finish some exercise on your table computer.

T: There are four questions. Please do one by one.

3. Use the learning platform to check the students’ answers.

Ⅱ. Presentation.

1. Ask and answer: What can you do? What can I do?

Teach: draw draw some pictures.

T: Let’s enjoy some beautiful pictures.

S: I can see……

2. T: Can you draw? Please draw something according to a circle. You have half a minute to finish your picture.

Showtime: Whose picture is the best one? Who is good at drawing?

It’s easy for … It’s difficult for….

T: How many stars can she﹨he get?

3. Show the picture:

Questions: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?

4. Enjoy the story.

T: What are Mike and Tim doing in the park?
