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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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Brain storming: what can you do?

(1)师生对话,引导学生表达自己会做的事情运用 “ I can…” 句型来重点操练问答句型

-What can you do?

-I can….

T: Do you like the song?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Great! Now it’s your turn. Can you tell me what you can do? Can you play football?

S: Yes, I can play football.

T: How about basketball and table tennis?

S: Yes, I can play basketball and I can play table tennis.

(2)The teacher acts out these words and let students guess. 教师动作引入单词swim, jump, run, sing and draw.

T: Great! Now everybody, please look at me! Can you guess what I can do?

S: Swim, you can swim!

T: You should say “I can swim.” Now what can I do? (教师表演jump, run, sing, draw,学生依次去猜,重点教学draw的读音)


Activity1 Group work-words

First, let the students look at these pictures and discuss with their group members. (3minutes)

Then, the teacher points to the picture and the students answer it together quickly.

At last, the teacher asks at least 2 students to point and let the other students read out quickly.( 同学指图片要随意,提醒他不要按顺序来指,增加回答难度)

Activity2: Read and circle

Show them the question” what do they draw in the park?”

Let them read through the story and try to find out what they draw in the park.

Here, there will be a discussion in their groups. The discussion will focus on what they draw in the park and circle them.

Ask several students to answer the question.

Activity3: Watch the cartoon

1.The students watch the cartoon carefully.

2.Then I will show them two questions and one chart.

Q1. What can Tim draw?

Q2. What can’t Tim draw?

3.Let students answer these questions and finish this chart. (提问至少三名学生去完成这个表格)
