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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Story time下载详情
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Step2. Presentation

1. T: Good, so today we’ll learn?Unit2?How do?you?come?to?school? And?how?can we answer it?

Ss: I?come?to school …

2. T:?You?come?to?school?on foot,?you?come to?school?by car,?you?come?to?school?by bus. What about Yang Ling, Su Hai, Mike and Liu Tao? Let’s watch the cartoon and match.

T: Open your books, turn?to?page18, please finish it.

Teach: by metro, by taxi

3: T: Now, can?you?think and talk about these pictures? Who can say picture1?

? S1:Liu Tao comes?to?school?by taxi.

? T:How?about picture2、3、4?

?S2/S3/S4: …comes?to?school…

4. T: Why does Su Hai?come?to?school?by bus? Please read page16 by yourselves. Underline the key words or sentences.

? Ss:Because she lives far from?school.

?Teach: far from

? T:Where does Su Hai live?

? Ss:She lives on Moon Street, near City Library.

?Teach: on Moon Street, near City Library

5. T:?You?all did good job. Su Hai’s home is far from?school, but she still likes it, why??Do?you?know?

? S:Because it’s very big.

? T:Yes, now, let’s read it together.

6. T: This time, who wants?to?be Su Hai and produce by using these sentences?

? T:Well done. We have known Su Hai’s home, now, let’s read page17 and try?to?find Yang Ling, Mike and Liu Tao’s home.

? S1:A is Yang Ling’s home.

? S2:B is Mike’s home.

? S3:C is Liu Tao’s home.

7. T: Please read page17 again, underline the key words. Where?do?they live?

? T:Where does Yang Ling/Mike/Liu Tao live?

? S:She/He lives near her?school/in Sunshine Town/on Park Street.

?Teach: in Sunshine Town, on Park Street

? T:Please finish exercise?2?on page18.

8. T: This time, let’s think:?How?do?they come?to?school? And why?
