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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Part C&D下载详情
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1.Show the picture of Fred’s family:Who love ice cream,too?

(1).Learn the new word “Fred”

(2).Lead to :Today we’ll read a story about Fred’s family.

2.The first reading:

(1).Read and judge:Write down the answer on the paper.

(2).Check the answer:

a.No.1,underline the corresponding sentence;

b.No.2,learn the new word “broccoli”,read the corresponding sentence in different tone;

c. No.3,learn the new word “carrots”,read the corresponding sentence in different tone;

【设计意图:阅读短文肯定会遇到生词,指导学生第一次阅读不必会读生词,只要能在短文中找到相应的句子即可。同时,在解决这个题的同时带领学生学习新单词,模仿不同语气读同一个句子,为学生灌输Fred 和Mum是真的不喜欢吃broccoli and carrots,为后来We all love ice cream的反转夯实基础。】

3. The second reading:

(1).Read and choose:Write down the answer on the paper.

(2).Check the answer:

a.No.1, learn the new word “an hour”,show the card of “watch TV for an hour”on the blackboard.

b.No.2, learn the new word “laundry” and “dishes”,show the card of “do the laundry , do the dishes”on the blackboard,ask the studengts put the correct picture on the right phrase.

c. No.3, learn the new word “bowl”,show the card of “make a big bowl of ice cream”on the blackboard.

【设计意图:指导学生第二次阅读要试着理解新生词并画出对应的句型。在这个设计中有生词的教读和词组的辨认,特别是对do the laundry , do the dishes的贴图辨认更是要求学生再次理解短文。同时,第3题的设计不光是为了新授单词bowl,更是为了自然过渡到下一环节的情感教育。】

4.Emotion teaching:

(1).Free talk: Who makes a big bowl of ice cream?But what should Fred and Mum do?

(2).Find:Do they eat their own broccoli and carrots?

(3).Emotion:So ,they don’t really unlike broccoli and carrots.引出情感教育:Choosy in food is unhealthy.We should eat every food.

Step3 consolitation

1.Sum up the blackboard:

What else can Fred do if he eat the broccoli?

Lead to “go to bed late”

【设计意图:这个环节的设计有总结归纳全文的意图,把板书整体化,让学生通过板书能对短文内容更加理解透彻,充分发挥板书的教学作用。同时可以为接下来的Retell the story起到提示作用,避免学生一听到Retell就害怕,增强学生学习的自信心。】

2.Free reading:Read in four.

3.Retell the story.Choose and complete.

Step4 Summary: Reading tips

Step5 Homework