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师梦圆高中英语教材同步新世纪课标版高三下册Unit 3 It’s not just a job下载详情
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新世纪版英语高三下册《Module 2 Caring about your future Unit 3 It’s not just a job》优质课教案

have a good knowledge of volunteer work and why it might be a good choice;

guess the meaning of the new words (compensate, two-way, figure out, internal) in the context;

know the features of a leaflet;

develop a positive feeling towards volunteer work.

Teaching Procedures:

Learning Activities Purposes Pre-


Discuss students’ former experience about volunteer work and reasons for or against volunteer work. To get familiar with the subject and elicit the background knowledge of the topic While-

reading Read the rubric and guess the content and the purpose of the leaflet. To pay attention to the main idea and genre of the article Skim the whole article and put the paragraphs in a correct order. To know the structure of the leaflet and the function of raising questions at the beginning of the leaflet Underline the advantages of volunteer work. To find the advantages of volunteer work and know the techniques the writer applied to explain them Fill in the blanks with a proper sentence. To appreciate the metaphor in the leaflet Discuss and complete the sentences To review the knowledge learnt in this class Post-

reading Circle the number to show how eager students are to be a volunteer after reading the leaflet To find the features and techniques applied in the leaflet Read a passage from students’ homework and check it with the checklist. To put what have been learnt into practice Assignments: