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新世纪版英语高三下册《Module 2 Caring about your future Unit 3 It’s not just a job》优质课ppt课件

Hello, everyone.

CY Volunteer Group needs your help to keep the order of shared bikes. You can improve the image of Putuo district. You can also learn a lot.

Have you ever thought about volunteer work?


Have you ever thought about volunteer work?

Many people around the world choose to take time away from their jobs to do volunteer work. Read this leaflet on volunteer work and why it might be a good choice for you in the future.

Many people around the world choose to take time away from their jobs to do volunteer work. Read this leaflet on volunteer work and why it might be a good choice for you in the future.

TASK3: fill in the blanks with a proper sentence

TASK 2: find out the benefits of volunteer work

TASK 1: divide the passage into several parts and summarize the main idea

Have you ever thought about volunteer work?

Volunteer work is a SCHOOL. You pay for a time to learn.

Volunteer work is a SCHOOL. You pay _____for a time to learn___________

Volunteer work is a SCHOOL. You pay for a time to learn

Volunteer work is a MEMORY- you will only realize its true value later in life, when you look back with feelings of internal joy and satisfaction.

Help others help yourself!

Are you eager to be a volunteer?

Hello, everyone.

CY Volunteer Group needs your help to keep the order of shared bikes. You can improve the image of Putuo district. You can also learn a lot.


1) Write a composition to persuade schoolmates to join the CY Volunteer Group.

2) Exchange the composition with classmates and finish the peer-review checklist.