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师梦圆高中英语教材同步牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 3 The art of painting下载详情
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选择性必修一《Unit 3 The art of painting》Welcome to the unit优秀教案

Welcome to the unit


By the end of the section, students will be able to:

1. know some popular types of painting;

2. describe the four paintings in the textbook;

3. introduce one or two world-famous painters and their masterpieces.


1. To tell different types of painting;

2. To talk about world-famous paintings and their painters.


步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式 Lead-in Step 1 The teacher has students brainstorm information related to the types of painting. 通过头脑风暴活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,导入话题;引导学生通过类型、使用的工具或材料和用途来谈论绘画,并联系自身经历,为单元学习做好准备。 5’

Individual Work

Class Work Step 2 The teacher draws students’ attention to the art of painting by presenting more paintings and lets students focus on the following question.

How many types of painting do you know about? 通过头脑风暴,激活学生已有的背景语言知识,自然过渡到单元学习内容。 5’

Group Work Free talk Step 3 The teacher has students answer the two questions on Page 29.

1. Which type do you think each of the paintings belongs to? Why?

2. What famous painters and paintings do you know about? 延伸话题讨论,吸引学生积极参与,让学生在真实的交流中了解更多有关绘画的知识。 18’

Individual Work Discussion Step 4 1. The teacher divides the students into small groups and gets the students to share their opinions of their own favourite paintings and painters.

What is your favourite type of painting? Why?

2. The teacher has the students read the quotation together and discuss the following question.