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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Checkout time & Ticking time下载详情
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2 在综合复习的基础上能正确谈论假期计划和出行方式并能完成相应的短文写作。

四、 Teaching aids:


Step1.Lead in

Watch a video about some interesting countries.

Step2 Presentation

1.Go over the book

a.Ask Ss how to make travel plans

b.Ask Ss to go over the book by themselves, read the Unit 7 quickly and loudly think about one question : what are their plans?

2.Let’s review

a.Make a mind map about Mike’s plans by teacher.

b.Group work :ask Ss to choose other’s to finish their mind map and have a report.

3.Let’s find

According to the story time and cartoon time ,ask Ss to answer several questions and according to the sentences, find the rule.

4. Let’s play

Show some pictures,let Ss answer: where will you find it ?Ss:We will find _____in______.

Rules:ring the bell,stand up quickly,after each round pass the bell

Step3 Consolidation

1. Let’s read

a.Introduce a new friend Millie ,she likes travelling ,so this summer she will go to Hawaii,now she tells her plans.ask Ss to read the plans quickly,and underline the answer:what will she do ?

b.Finish Millie’s mind map.

c.According to the Millie’s mind map,let’s try to retell her plans.

2. Let’s talk

If you have a graduation travel ,Where will you go?/What will you do?/How will you go there?/How long will you stay there? …

Step4 Production

Let’s write.Ask Ss to write their travel plans


1.Know more interesting countries

2.Talk about their plans with family.

3.Read one book about “travelling”
