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会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来描述自己的梦想。


PPT, 准备好关于自己梦想的相关文章或者句子。


Step1. Before reading& Revision

Miss Li’s students will graduate from school soon. She wants to see their dreams come true. Children, do you know what do they want to be?


You’ll graduate from Xiaxi Primary School soon, I wish you “Grow up happily. To be a useful person in the future.”

Here’s a song for you. After enjoying it, please tell me “What jobs are mentioned in the song?”

(呈现歌词,新授lawyer, president。让学生根据发音规则及音标拼读出新单词。)

What other jobs do you know? The words have different forms.(学生举例,教师引导学生自主对职业类单词进行归类)

There are many jobs in the world. Can we say which is good or which is bad? No job is noble or humble.(对学生进行情感教育,工作没有高低贵贱之分)

Speaking of this, what do you want to be? Why? What will you do for it? (让学生使用want to be/do 和will的句型来描述自己的梦想,为后面撰写“I have a dream”的演讲稿做铺垫。)

Where there is a will, there is a way.(告诉学生有志者事竟成)

Step2. While reading

Do you know him? (Michael Jordan)

To know him better, I’ll send you some reading materials about Jordan.(在ipad中下发关于乔丹的相关资料,让学生进一步了解这位曾经的篮球巨星,酝酿学生对乔丹成功之路的好奇心和兴趣,为后面的语篇介入打下伏笔。)

Look at the word and phrase, can you introduce Jordan? (学生用fly, is good at, great组成短语或句子来简单描述对乔丹的印象)

I have a story about Jordan, do you want to read it? When you meet some new words,what can you do?(给予学生阅读技巧的指导)

Task1: Underline your favourite sentence and share with others.(让学生带着简单的任务初读语篇)

Task2: Read the story again and finish “T or F”.


Jordan is not a basketball now, he is a boss who cares about charities. From his success, what can we learn from him?(学生各抒己见,通过乔丹的故事,学生对于梦想、对于成功有了自己的理解和诠释)

To make dreams come true, we should work hard, never give up and believe in yourselves. Let’s read some proverbs about dreams.(学生齐读梦想格言,升华本环节)

Step3. After reading

Children, you will graduate from our school soon, and I think all of you have a dream in your heart. Let’s make a speech about your dreams, OK? But how to make a good speech?

(write the speech well: What? Why? How? ...引导学生从这些方面撰写“I have a dream”的演讲稿。

(know the speaking skills
