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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点一年级下册Unit 1 There is a cat in the tree.下载详情
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There is….句型与方位介词的结合与正确运用。

There is a\ an … in the tree\ under the tree\ over there .位置的准确判断与表达。教学过程:

热身导入:(Introduce the zoo)


Say a chant.

Two zoos: 介绍评价机制,Show some pictures of the animals.

T:What can you see in the zoo? (学习新词汇can, see)

ee 发音规律:see, tree, three, jeep, sheep, geese.

(tigers, elephants, monkeys ,horses, pandas, birds, snakes, giraffes , lions…..

T: What are they? Ss: animals. (学习新词汇)

呈现Activity1图片: look and answer.

T: How many animals can you see?/ What are they? Where are they?

Ss: Three./ an elephant and two tigers./ under the tree. in the tree.

PPT依次呈现完整句子: There is an elephant under the tree.

There are two tigers in the tree.

Students listen and repeat for activity 1 together. (学习词汇there is , there are )任务呈现(How to talk about the animals in the zoo)

再次呈现zoo图片,T:学习某地有某物的表达,用There be 句型向新朋友介绍动物园中的小动物。Ⅲ 课文学习(Go to the zoo with Daming and Sam)

Lead- in: T: Let’s go to the zoo with Daming and Sam.

How many animals can you see?

Ss: There is a cat in the tree.

2. 过渡: T: Today ,let us learn M7U1, 板书标题句子。

T: There is a cat in the tree.

And it can’t come down from the tree. Let’s help the cat ! OK?

3. Listen and repeat, then try to underline sentence with “There is….”


图1:There is a cat in the tree. (动画演示tree is very tall)

图2:There is a chair over there (动画演示那边的椅子移动到树下,but it is small)

(学习新词汇over there)

图3:There is a table over there, (动画演示那边的桌子移动到树下,but it is small and short.)
