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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点四年级下册Lesson 5下载详情
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S: Max and duke.

T: Yes, we all know their stories, today, they lost again, Can we help them to go home?

S: Certainly.

T: You are so helpful. Today, Finish tasks, then we can get pictures about their home. At last, they can go back home. Clear?

S: Yes.

T: now, answer my questions correctly, you can get pictures, go for it.

二 Presentation

任务一为学习本课新词,多种形式猜词,有拼图方式bed、模糊图TV、线索提示DVD player、听声音clock、构词法bathroom。并在复习bed, TV的过程中自然引出本课chant,并进行操练,同时再学习新词时反复呈现本课句子,What’s in the living room? There is a ….进行问答练习。让学生在真实的情境中学习本课的句子,there’s a new DVD player. And there’s a big clock. 完成任务一可以得到关于Max和Duke家里房间的线索(房间里有什么)。

任务一结束后会有一个小游戏来作为小奖励来帮助学生更有效的学习,游戏过程:分别从含有动作watch TV, go to sleep, take a bath, play computer和含有房间位置living room, bathroom, bedroom, study的盒子里来抽取字条,并说出句子。例如:I take a bath in the study.


任务二是同学们根据完成任务一所得到的线索来找到Max和Duke家里正确的照片。四个小组的组长分别得到关于living room, study和bedroom的文字信息,组内其它同学每人一张图片,在小组内以本课句型What’s in the living room? There is a …来找到正确的图片。最后四组同学共同拼成正确的Max和Duke家里的图片,并进行参观,在此过程中学习come and see, 并进一步进行本课功能句的练习。

T:Task one. Guess words

guess five words, by sentences or pictures.

Look, What’s this?(模糊)

S: It’s a bed.

T: Where is your bed?

S: It’s in the bedroom.

T: Do you sleep in your bedroom?

S: Yes, I do.

T: I go to sleep in the bedroom too. Do with me, go to sleep.

S: (act and say)go to sleep.

T: Listen to me, I go to sleep, in the bedroom, in the bedroom. I go to sleep in the bedroom.

Now, you please. One two....

S: I go to sleep in the bedroom......

T: Great. Now, how about this?

T:(出示模糊图TV) tell me. What’s this?

S: It’s a TV.

T:Yes,Where is your TV?

S: It’s in the living room.

T: Do you watch TV in your living room?
