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人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 15》优质课教案下载-金华市优课

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3. PPT shows a timetable with the question “How many lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon? What are they? Do you like PE?”Greet.

Look and say quickly. Then spell the words.

Look and answer the question.Arouse the Ss’ attention of learning English and get them to enter the English learning atmosphere.Step 2

Presentation and drill

1. PPT shows the words “art, PE, Chinese, English, music…” And teaches the word “subject”.

2. PPT shows the pictures of art, music, Chinese, PE, and English and… with the question “What subject do you like best?”

3. PPT shows some pictures of art, music, PE, maths, Chinese and English with the sentence drill “What subject do you like best? I like… best.”Look and say.

Spell the words music and art.

Guess the meaning of the word subject.

Learn to say the new word.

Learn to answer the question and get the meaning of the sentence.

Ask and answer in pairs.

Improve the Ss’ listening ability and have a good habit of listening.

Have a good habit of using English.Step 3


1. PPT shows the cartoon of the dialogue.

2. PPT shows the dialogue with some blanks.

3. Read the dialogue.

4. Let the students read the text by the students themselves.

5. Read the dialogue in roles.

6. Read and fill in the blanks.Read the dialogue after the cartoon.

Watch the cartoon again and answer the questions.

Read after the tape.

Read the text by the students themselves and circle the new words or phrases.

Read the dialogue in roles together.

Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Improve the Ss’ spoken ability and arouse the Ss’ interest.

Step 4


1. Recite the dialogue.

2. PPT shows the survey.Act out the dialogue in groups.
