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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 7下载详情
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重点:Can I help you ? Yes. I want…..

难点:How much is it ?注意单数。take的用法和意思。



(一)warming –up

Show a picture of the toy shop. And teach the students the word “toy”. Compare toy with the word boy. T:if you want to buy something for yourself or your friends How will you say ? S: Can I have a/an …..?Teacher at the time can act as the mother and answer the question.

[设计意图]:这节课就是讲去toy shop购物的情景,让学生一开始就进入这个情景中来,真实并且对课文进行了很好的铺垫作用。在这个环节就很自然地把toy带出来。


1. Show the picture of the dialogue. T: Who is the little boy ? S: He is Dick. T:Who is the woman ? She is a saleswoman. Let the students read the word one by one. Let the students listen and answer the question .”What does Dick want to buy?” Find a student to answer the question and then learn the word” toy train” . Study the word train. According to the pronunciation they learn the word.

[设计意图]:这个直接切入主题,课文,让学生带着问题Dick想要买什么东西?来把四会单词 toy train.引出来并讲解。这种直接进入情景让学生更能容易的接受。

2.Show the picture again. Let the students listen and tell what the saleswoman say. And the teacher teaches “Can I help you ?” and put it on the blackboard. Make the students repeat how to answer the questions. Yes. I want a…..Ask and answer in pair. The second is to let group 1 ask group 2”Can I help you?”” Yes. I want a toy train.”依次询问。

[设计意图]:这个环节重点学习本课的重点Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train.借助本文的情景,直接让学生学会服务员和顾客之间的问答。两个人一组进行操练,(这样学生能够真正体会到服务员和顾客之间的对话)小组与小组之间进行操练,体现了小组之间的合作。同时这些对话也是真实有效的。

3.show the picture of the shelf. Ask Ss what are they ? They are toy cars, toy trains, toy planes. The teacher asks which one do you like ?教师做出示范I like the yellow one. 再询问学生,引导学生来回答。 Toy cars,接龙游戏进行询问。Toy trains. The Ss choose others to answer. Toy planes. Two in pair to practice.

[设计意图]:本课文当中which one do you like ? I like the …one.也是本课的难点。教师通过商店里柜子上不同颜色的东西对学生进行提问。就好像真正的在买东西一样。

4. 教师拿着一个玩具说:boys and girls , Do you want to buy it ?Do you bring money? Can you ask me ?”How much is it ?”教授学生读这个句子,并板书。并且告诉学生回答It’s …..yuan.

小组一起进行物品竞价的游戏,小组进行物品的价格,一起说How much is it ?再找人猜价格,谁猜对了价,这个物品就会给谁。一共两个东西,大象和球。

[设计意图]:这个环节是教会学生们学习How much is it ?和回答。并且学生在物品竞价这个好玩的游戏当中再次复习了How much is it 把难点知识简单化。

5.带着两个问题去看视频。第一个问题How much is the toy train? We will take it .take是什么意思。



1. Listen and read.

2. Act it out.

[设计意图] 通过跟读和角色扮演让学生再次巩固所学的知识点。


1. Make up a new dialogue.


[设计意图] 通过给定情景设计对话内容,让学生能够在真实的



Lesson 7
