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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级上册Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!下载详情

冀教2011课标版三年级起点《Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!》优质课PPT课件下载-承德市优课

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Let’s watch the video and find out (找出) the answers. Group leaders(组长们), please divide up the work(分工), and you can write down(做笔记).

Ling Ming: The Spring Festival is coming. It’s the Chinese New Year.

Danny: What do you do for the Spring Festival?

Ling Ming: We buy new clothes.

Jenny: That’s wonderful.

Ling Ming: We clean our rooms. We clean the doors, the windows and the floor.

Ling Ming: We also make dumplings.

Jenny: I like dumplings.

Danny: Me, too.

Ling Ming: And we visit our family and friends. Kids get lucky money.

Danny: That’s interesting.

Jenny: I love the Spring Festival!

Jenny: When is the Spring Festival?

Ling Ming: It’s on February 2 this year.

Please act it out and put up the word cards(表演并张贴单词卡).

What do you do for the Spring Festival?

We make dumplings.

We buy new clothes.

We get lucky money.

We visit our family and friends.

make dumplings

make a cake

make a pizza

make the bed

What do you do for the Spring Festival?

We clean the rooms.

What do you do for the Spring Festival?

We clean the doors.

We clean the windows.

What do you do for the Spring Festival?
