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Module 4

If you have a lot of money, like a millionaire,

what will you do?

Will you be happy then?

Read the italics (斜体字) and find out:

1. Are millionaires always happy? Why?

2. What does the phrase “turn their backs on” mean?

Fast reading

Read the italics (斜体字) and find out:

1. Are millionaires always happy? Why?

Fast reading

Not always. Because some of them continue to be concerned about money and they have to be hardworking to make sure they never lose the money.

2. What does the phrase “turn their backs on” mean here?

to show one’s back to something

to stick to something

to ignore or refuse to own something

to work hard to keep something

Fast reading

- an ex-millionaire

Charles Gray

Reading for details

First Time Reading:

Fill in the table to compare Charles Gray’s life in the past with the one at present.

Fill in the table & compare Charles Gray’s life in the past with the one at present.
