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Hi!I am Li Hua, the member of the school English Broadcast Station. The 10th celebration of our station is coming, and I am writing this letter to invite you to our party.

We thank you for your suggestions and teaching us skills. We regard you as the soul of the station. We can’t hold the party without you this Friday and we’ll meet you at the meeting room at 6:30 p.m. that day.

We have arranged several parts of the celebration, including reviewing some events of the past ten years. I hope that it can remind you of the memory with us. If you are willing to make a speech for the party, it will be honorable for all the members.

I believe that we can create memory after this activity, and we can go ahead hand in hand in the following days.

17-18 points

How to polish your writing in an effective way ?

Hi!I am Li Hua, the member of the school English Broadcast Station. The 10th celebration of our station is coming, and I am writing this letter to invite you to our party.


Polish your essay

We thank you for your suggestions and teaching us skills. You?are?regarded?as?the?soul?of?the?whole?station. The?party?can’t be?held?without?you??this?Friday and we’ll meet you at the meeting room at 6:30 p.m. that day.



We have arranged several parts of the celebration, including reviewing some events of the past ten years. I hope that it can remind you of the memory with us. If you want to make a speech for the party, it will be honorable for all the members.

I believe that we can create memory after this activity, and we can go ahead hand in hand in the following days.



Polish your essay

Hi!I am Li Hua, the member of the school English Broadcast Station. The 10th annual celebration of our station is coming, and I am writing this letter to invite you to our party.

We thank you for your remarkable suggestions and teaching us practical skills. You?are?regarded?as?the?soul?of?the?whole?station. The?party?can’t ?be?held?without?you??this?Friday and we’ll meet you at the meeting room at 6:30 p.m. that day.

We have arranged several parts of the celebration, including reviewing some events of the past ten years. I hope that it can remind you of the unforgettable memory with us. If you are willing to make a speech for the party, it will be honorable for all the members.

I believe that we can create treasurable memory after this activity, and we can go ahead hand in hand in the following days.

2. Your help will be appreciated.

Your timely and selfless help will be appreciated.

1. We always can gain some experiences in our trip.