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师梦圆小学英语教材同步接力版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 4 Don’t play football on the street.下载详情

接力2011课标版三年级起点《Lesson 4 Don’t play football on the street.》PPT课件下载-汉中市优质课

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on the street?

1.What's the weather like? What season is it?

2.What's the Yellow Bird doing?

3.What's the Black Bird doing?

4.What will you say if you see the Black Bird is sleeping?

Yellow Bird:Wake up,Mr Black. It's time to make your house

Black Bird:Don't talk to me.I'm sleeping.

Yellow Bird:Wake up,Mr Black.Winter is coming.make your house,please.

Black Bird:Don't talk to me.I'm sleeping.

night 夜晚;晚上

It's witer now.It snows at night.The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house.

Black Bird:It's too cold .Help!Help!

Listen to the tape:

The first time:just listen.

The second time :follow the tape



1.What does the Yellow Birds ask the Black Bird to do?

2.Do you like the Yellow bird or the Black bird?Why?

3.What does the story tell us?



( )Tt' s autumn.The Yellow Bird is making a house.The Black Bird is sleeping

( )Yellow Bird:Wake up,Mr Black.Winter is coming.make your house,please.

( )It's winter now.It snows at night.The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house.


2.Yellow Bird:Wake up,Mr Black.Winter is coming.make your house,please.

1.Tt' s autumn.The Yellow Bird is making a house.The Black Bird is sleeping

3.It's winter now.It snows at night.The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house.

It's autumn ,The Yellow Bird is making a house.The Black Bird is sleeping .The Yellow Bird says ,“Make your house ,please ,"The Black Bird answers ,"______. I'm sleeping."The next day ,the Yellow Bird says , "Wake up._______."The Black Bird answers ,"Don't talk to me ,I'm sleeping."Winter comes .It snows at _____.The Yellow Bird is sleeping in his warm house .But the Black Bird feels too cold and asks for help.